Mimicking and Learning from Master Joe Madureira through Gesture Mannequin Sketches. Studying Pose, Proportion, Foreshortening, Anatomy, Shading, and Camera Angle. These Sketches should be Quick, Simple, 3-D Forms Without Rendering.
Tag: gesture mannequin
Comics – After Joe Madureira Gesture Mannequin Body Language
Mimicking and Learning from Master Joe Madureira through Gesture Mannequin Sketches. Studying Pose, Proportion, Foreshortening, Anatomy, Shading, and Camera Angle. These Sketches should be Quick, Simple, 3-D Forms Without Rendering
Comics – Carlos Pacheco Gesture Mannequins
Mimicking and Learning from Master Carlos Pacheco. Gesture Mannequin Sketches from Avengers Forever. Studying Dynamic Pose, Proportion, Foreshortening, and Camera Angle. These Sketches should be Quick, Simple, Without Rendering.
Comics – Jim Lee Mannequin
After Jim Lee. Study of a Jim Lee Male Mannequin. Noting Form, Proportions, Construction, Anatomy, particularly the Hands and Chest Area.
Comics – After Jack Kirby Gesture Mannequin Sketches 10/19/17
Various Poses After Jack Kirby. Drawn 10-19-17. Looking at Dynamic Poses, Figure Construction, Equipment, and Perspective used by The King.
Comics – Gesture/Mannequin Sketch while in Car 04/15/20
Quick Sketch while I was waiting for someone in the car. Completely freehand with no reference. 1/2 Hour. Focusing on Anatomy, Proportion, Perspective, Hair, Facial Expression, Body Language. My Masters told me to sketch whenever possible, so I did